If you have questions, please contact Jennifer Richwine in the Wake Washington Center at 336.391.2642 or richwijl@wfu.edu.
Please join us during Pro Humanitate Days as we collect items for nutrition packs for Central Union Mission, the oldest private social service agency in Washington, DC. In addition to its emergency shelter, which provides over 62,000 bed-nights each year, Central Union Mission operates operates a workforce development program for men, provides benefits for veterans, helps people overcome addictions, operates a food and clothing distribution center, which provides food for over 4,000 each month, runs a camp for underprivileged children, and offers a ministry to families and senior citizens.
Our very own alumna, Megan Schmoll ('08), is VP for Development at Central Union Mission and we are excited to support her work as Central Union Mission celebrates its 140th Anniversary this year.
We will collect items at the Wake Washington Center from April 6-14. Register here to let us know you are interested in participating, and we will send you more details on the items needed and when/how to drop them off to us.
Contact Information
Jennifer Richwine
Wake Washington Center
336.391.2642 richwijl@wfu.edu